31.1. - 8.2.25 International Short Film Festival, Clermont-Ferrand / Januar / Festivals_Neu / Festivals / 451°F - 451°F Film-Newsletter




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31.1. - 8.2.25 International Short Film Festival, Clermont-Ferrand

31.1. - 8.2.25 International Short Film Festival, Clermont-Ferrand

Wichtiges europäisches Kurzfilmfestival

Nationaler und internationaler Wettbewerb, Labo Competition

The Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival is the world's largest film festival dedicated to short films. In term of audience and professional presence, it is the second largest film festival in France after Cannes.

The festival is at the heart of many activities and missions conducted all year long by the collective Sauve qui peut le court métrage. The association employs 18 permanents, all based in Auvergne, where a whole dynamic around cinema has been created.


La Jetée
6 place Michel-de-L'Hospital
63058 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 1- FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)473 91 65 73
Fax : +33 (0)473 92 11 93
Mail : info(at)clermont-filmfest.com