Schauspielerin gesucht fuer den Kurzfilm "Parallel" by Andrew R. Jones (Academy Award winner) / Archiv / Bezahlte Arbeit / User-Beiträge / Home / 451°F - Filmportal für Filmschaffende




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Schauspielerin gesucht fuer den Kurzfilm "Parallel" by Andrew R. Jones (Academy Award winner)

Schauspielerin gesucht fuer den Kurzfilm "Parallel" by Andrew R. Jones (Academy Award winner)

von: brownie; aufgeschaltet am 24.01.2011 00:00

Open auditions in Luzern, on Sunday, Feb. 6:

We are looking for an experienced female actor for our low-budget short movie (about 20min.). Should be fluent in English (accent okay), between the ages of 25 and 35. If you are interested please contact us with a head shot/photo and resume indicating your acting experience. We will get in touch with you to schedule a time for your audition in Luzern on Sunday, Feb. 6.

Send e-mail to:

It will be about a 2 day shoot (for you) in Luzern, hoping to schedule it for the beginning March.

The story follows a man searching through parallel worlds for the love he once had. It is a story about relationships, fate and destiny.