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Looking for actors (45-60)

Looking for actors (45-60)

von: freein1; aufgeschaltet am 22.01.2014 23:39

I am looking for actors for my short movie.

I am from south Korea, film student of Korean National University of arts.

And last 1 year, I was studying HSLU arts& design, Video and camera arts depart as a exchange student.

Before I leaving, during 15th-18th Feb, I am going to make a short film for my graduation film in Korea.

It's basis on the Fiction short film , would be 25 mins.

I need to find actors whose age in 45-60, Cabin's Owner and Farm's Owner.

Both are speak in English, but not need to be perfect,

I will send more detail and scenario by email so don't hesitate to contact me .

Unfortunately, I can't pay a lot, but I will afford the meal and trasport costs.

I want to make a good shooting here and need your many attention

