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English Script Collaborator

von: AdriSanford; aufgeschaltet am 24.02.2014 13:48

Hello Hello,

I'm new to the film making scene, but have been involved for several years in the theater world as a director and playwright.

I recently graduated with an MA in Women's History and of course, perhaps it goes without saying, I have a love for storytelling and I love the idea of being able to try telling a story through different mediums.

I have already written a short film that I'd like to shoot and enter into a few big competitions this year, but I'm looking for a script collaborator for both this short film and future projects.

I'm very interested in a variety of subjects and themes, but perhaps what I'm most interested in at this point in time is delving into LGBT subjects and portraying them on film. I've never really done any kind of script writing, and I'd love to explore this area with someone who is interested in working collaboratively on creating scripts.

In terms of genre, I'm really interested in trying out lots of different ones.

Anyways, feel free message me if you're interested in having a chat!
