Actors and Crew Needed!!! / Archiv / Bezahlte Arbeit / User-Beiträge / Home / 451°F - Filmportal für Filmschaffende




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Actors and Crew Needed!!!

Actors and Crew Needed!!!

von: obijr.eo; aufgeschaltet am 19.01.2014 09:14

Actors and Crew are needed for the web series Contracted which is to be filmed in the last week of February and the first week of March.

Crew may speak German but must know some English. Actors must have a proficient command of the English language (an accent is okay but you must have full competence with English).

This will be filmed in Berlin and - to this point - is a no budget production. Actors and Crew in and around Berlin are preferred.

There are still position and roles open in most areas.

I look forward to hearing from you.