30.6. - 9.7.23 Festival International Du Film De La Rochelle / Juni / Festivals_Neu / Festivals / 451°F - Filmportal für Filmschaffende




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30.6. - 9.7.23 Festival International Du Film De La Rochelle

30.6. - 9.7.23 Festival International Du Film De La Rochelle

Neue Spiel- und Kinderfilme, Retrospektiven, Hommagen an Filmemacher.

La Rochelle International Film Festival is a three-way love story between a city in early summer, a curious and enthusiastic public, and films from around the world.


Bureau permanent

Festival International du Film de La Rochelle
16 rue Saint Sabin
75011 Paris
Tel. : +33 (0)1 48 06 16 66
Fax : +33 (0)1 48 06 15 40

Bureau à La Rochelle
10 quai Georges Simenon
17000 La Rochelle
Tel. / Fax : +33 (0)5 46 52 28 96